Presented in 4 sessions of 3 hours each from 11:00am to 2:00pm (Eastern Standard Time)
February 12, 19 & 26, March 5, 2021
No prerequisites (Brain Gym basics recommended)
Free Introduction January 29th at Noon (EST)
This highly experiential workshop explores the linkages between which eye, ear, hand, foot and hemisphere of the brain we favor and the way we think, learn, work, play and relate to others. Gain this useful tool for self-knowledge while learning how to more effectively understand and communicate with others. Used world-wide in corporations, homes, and schools for IEP’s and to enhance learning, creativity, productivity and joy in all areas of life.
Course Content:
- A synthesis of research and experiential understanding of how the Basal Dominance Pattern affects how we function.
- Our preferences and the ways we most readily Learn and respond in relationships.
- Awareness of the wide diversity of dominance patterns
- Deeper understanding and effective inter-relationships in the home, school and workspace.
- Practical application of integrative cross-lateral tools from Brain Gym®, Vision Gym, and other integrated movements to assist whole brain and sensory function.
Session 1 (February 12) 3 hours
○Introduction to Dominance Factor
○ How do we become who we are?
○ Nature vs Nurture
○ Basal Dominance Profile (Survival)
Session 2 (February 19) 3 hours
○How to interpret Dominance Profiles
○ Movement & Sensory Foundation for Learning
○ Gestalt & Logic Hemispheres
○ Foot Dominance & Significance
○Hand Dominance & Significance
(This may be continued in Session 3)
Session 3 (February 26) 3 hours
○Hand Dominance (cont…)
○ Ear Dominance & Significance
○ Eye Dominance & Significance
Session 4 (March 5) 3 hours
○ Accessing Integrated, preferred State
○ VAK Balance (Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic)
○ Practice creation and interpretation of profiles
(Family, relationships, Academics, Corporate)
○ Question Period & Closing