Our Partners

A vibrant community thrives when there are fun and dynamic ongoing opportunities for connection on-line and in person. The links provided here are meant to inspire and elevate Brain Gym in Canada through the sharing of information, resources, and professional development opportunities.

Brain Gym® International (DBA Breakthroughs International) official website. They offer transformative movement-based learning programs supporting the ability to thrive amidst life’s changes. Official accreditation body for Canadian Brain Consultants / Instructors. Breakthroughs International
Dr Paul and Gail Dennison’s website on the topic of movement-based learning. Consistently posted blogs by Paul and Gail —their thinking about Educational Kinesthetics and its applications—along with case study examples. A wonderful resource for photos, short videos, research, and find fun crafts, sensory-integration games, and innovations on the application of the Brain Gym 26 with students of all ages. Hearts at Play
Our sister organization in France, which greatly inspired the creation of Brain Gym Canada! This dynamic group created a network of high quality Educational Kinesthetics instructors and consultants that ensures the professional code of ethics is respected and officially represents and administers Edu-K in France. Brain Gym® France
Bioenergetic Wellness offers integrated health and wellness options for individuals, their families, and communities by supporting  the body’s natural healing potential, identifying personal goals for overall wellbeing, choosing from the many available health options in order to experience holistic bioenergetic wellness at work and achieve optimum health and wellbeing. Brain Gym Canada is a proud to be recognized as a partner association of Canbewell. CanBeWell
Developmental Kinesiology was founded by its creator, Renate Wennekes in Damme Germany. It is the branch of Kinesiology that addresses early childhood development and works on internal and external growth on all levels of life and learning: connect with your inner strength and energy; pursue projects that are dear to your heart; establish clarity in your relationships and in your life. Developmental Kinesiology courses are recognized for licensure by Brain Gym® International. A wonderful complement to the Brain Gym body of work. Developmental Kinesiology
Based on the original teachings of founder and creator Dr. Harald Blomberg, Blomberg Rhythmic Movement Training Canada is committed to training teachers, parents, and anyone interested to use rhythmic movements to help children who struggle with challenges such as self-regulation, autism, ADD, dyslexia, and more. Blomberg Rhythmic Movement Canada

Featuring the values of Integrity, Innovation, Inclusion and Commitment, the Association of Mexico is affiliated to Breakthroughs International, (Brain Gym®) to promote and communicate activities and courses in the following areas:
Educational, business, cultural, social, sports, therapeutic, artistic, scientific and research.

Inform Kinesiology professionals the code of ethics to maintain standards of responsibility.

Create a means of communication to keep members informed about courses, conferences, and presentations on topics of interest, create  a Research Center and establish collaborative links with international entities.


Affichant les valeurs d’intégrité, d’innovation, d’inclusion et d’engagement, l’Association du Mexique est affiliée à Breakthroughs International, (Brain Gym®) pour promouvoir et communiquer des activités et des cours dans les domaines suivants :

Éducatifs, commerciaux, culturels, sociaux, sportifs, thérapeutiques, artistiques, scientifiques et de recherche.

Informer les professionnels de la kinésiologie du code d’éthique afin de maintenir les normes de responsabilité.

Créer un moyen de communication pour tenir les membres informés des cours, conférences et présentations sur des sujets d’intérêt, créer un centre de recherche et établir des liens collaboratifs avec des organismes internationaux.


Con los valores de Integridad, Innovación, Inclusión y Compromiso, La Asociación de México está afiliada a Breakthroughs International, Brain Gym®), cuya labor es promocionar y difundir actividades y cursos en las siguientes áreas:

Educativas, empresariales, culturales, sociales, deportivas, terapéuticas, artísticas, científicas y de investigación.

Dar a conocer a los profesionales de Kinesiología el código de ética para mantener estándares de responsabilidad.

Quieren crear un medio de comunicación para mantener informados a los miembros de la afiliación sobre cursos, congresos, exposiciones sobre temas de interés, formación de un Centro de Investigación y establecer vínculos de cooperación con entidades internacionales.

Asociación de Kinesiólogos

Brain Gym® Suisse is an association created to promote Brain Gym® in Switzerland and to make the link with other countries. To this end, Brain Gym® Suisse is a contact point for all those interested in this approach.
The association also aims to create a synergy between practitioners, to promote their professional development, and in particular the licensing and relicensing of Brain Gym® instructors.


Brain Gym® Suisse est une association créée pour promouvoir le Brain Gym® en Suisse et faire le lien avec les autres pays. Pour ce faire, Brain Gym® Suisse est un interlocuteur pour toutes les personnes intéressées par cette approche.

L’association a pour but également de créer une synergie entre les praticiens, de favoriser leur cursus professionnel, notamment la certification et la recertification des instructeurs Brain Gym®.

Brain Gym Suisse