Sher Smith, RN, R.C.S.T., B.C.P.P., RPE, is a Registered Nurse, Cranial Sacral Therapist, Board Certified Polarity Practitioner, Registered Polarity Therapy Educator and a Brain Gym Faculty Instructor who has been involved in the Holistic health field since 1979. Her professional training is varied and comprehensive, including studies in Cranial Sacral Therapy with Franklyn Sills and the Upledger Institute; along with certification in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Brain Gym® and Touch for Health. Sher was the founding President of the Ontario Polarity Therapy Association, is a member of the American Polarity Therapy Association (having served as Past-Vice-President of the Board of Directors), and is the Director of the Realizing Your Potential Center of Holistic and Energetic Studies. She is a Canadian International Faculty member for Brain Gym® with the Breakthroughs Foundation in Santa Barbara, California. Sher is available for private consultations and sessions by Zoom and to teach globally, doing so online.