Céline’s journey into wellness began in 2001 when she was invited to attend her first Touch for Health© workshop, in preparation to attend Brain Gym® 101. She rapidly realized how the body could quickly shift from being “in discomfort and tensed” to being able to move with ease, focused, and ready to attend to the task or goal at hand. Céline became a licensed Brain Gym® Instructor/Consultant in 2004 and has presented to various groups in the Maritime Provinces as well as having participated in several wellness fairs for the past 15 years. She teaches several Brain Gym® workshops tailored for Early Childhood Education Centers, parents, teachers, professionals as well as anyone who desires to manage their daily activities with more joy using Movement-Based learning tools. In addition to Brain Gym®, Céline has attended several additional workshop pertaining to energy work (Reiki Master Teacher, Chios Practitioner, Spiritual Alignment Connection (S.A.C.) Practitioner/Teacher, Healing Touch, Light Language Practitioner), bioenergetic modalities (Bloomberg Rhythmic Training, Touch for Health® Practitioner, Masgutova Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration (MNRI – Masgutova Educational Institute course participant), as well as Past-Life Regression professional training. Céline has a private practice and her clientele varies from individuals having learning challenges, recurring physical discomfort to recovering from PTSE/PTSD. Services are available in French as well as in English.