Honorary Members
Paul E. Dennison, Ph.D. is an internationally known author and educator and a pioneer in the field of movement-based learning. From his early career teaching in elementary school, to coaching students at his reading centers, to creating the Edu-K and Brain Gym® programs and teaching in 25 countries worldwide, Paul has always been a champion for the learner. In today’s world, his vision continues to bring joy and aliveness to the learning process. Find out more about the Dennisons’ work at www.HeartsatPlay.com and at Heartsatplay on Facebook and Twitter.
Gail E. Dennison is the co-creator, with her husband and partner, Paul, of the Brain Gym® books, manuals, and processes. She is the author of the Visioncircles, Double Doodle Play, and Movement Dynamics courses and Teacher Trainings, which she has taught worldwide. Gail brings her background in somatic modalities, along with her passion for play, visual skills, and sensory perception, to her current Edu-K teachings. Gail and Paul continue to develop new projects emphasizing the value of movement and play, not only to the learning process, but to the long-term well-being of each and every one of us.
Paul E. Dennison, Ph.D. is an internationally known author and educator and a pioneer in the field of movement-based learning. From his early career teaching in elementary school, to coaching students at his reading centers, to creating the Edu-K and Brain Gym® programs and teaching in 25 countries worldwide, Paul has always been a champion for the learner. In today’s world, his vision continues to bring joy and aliveness to the learning process. Find out more about the Dennisons’ work at www.HeartsatPlay.com and at Heartsatplay on Facebook and Twitter.
Gail E. Dennison is the co-creator, with her husband and partner, Paul, of the Brain Gym® books, manuals, and processes. She is the author of the Visioncircles, Double Doodle Play, and Movement Dynamics courses and Teacher Trainings, which she has taught worldwide. Gail brings her background in somatic modalities, along with her passion for play, visual skills, and sensory perception, to her current Edu-K teachings. Gail and Paul continue to develop new projects emphasizing the value of movement and play, not only to the learning process, but to the long-term well-being of each and every one of us.
Irish Sullivan, BA, BEd, is a certified Touch for Health Instructor & practitioner. She is a licensed conusltant/instructor with Brain Gym International, a member of the board of directors of the Canadian Association of Wellness (CanBeWell). A Reiki Master, as well as an experienced practitioner of several other holistic modalities, she has over 30 yrs experience as a classroom teacher and workshop presenter. Fluently bilingual, she is available for classes and private consultations in both French and English. An incredibly generous soul and teacher, entirely devoted to her students of all ages, Irish continues to educate, elevate and demonstrate how we may take back our own power and take charge of our health and well-being.
Sher Smith, RN, R.C.S.T., B.C.P.P., RPE, is a Registered Nurse, Cranial Sacral Therapist, Board Certified Polarity Practitioner, Registered Polarity Therapy Educator and a Brain Gym Faculty Instructor who has been involved in the Holistic health field since 1979. Her professional training is varied and comprehensive, including studies in Cranial Sacral Therapy with Franklyn Sills and the Upledger Institute; along with certification in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Brain Gym® and Touch for Health. Sher was the founding President of the Ontario Polarity Therapy Association, is a member of the American Polarity Therapy Association (having served as Past-Vice-President of the Board of Directors), and is the Director of the Realizing Your Potential Center of Holistic and Energetic Studies. She is a Canadian International Faculty member for Brain Gym® with the Breakthroughs Foundation in Santa Barbara, California. Sher is available for private consultations and sessions by Zoom and to teach globally, doing so online.
Email: info@realiaizingyourpotential.ca
Irish Sullivan, BA, BEd, is a certified Touch for Health Instructor & practitioner. She is a licensed conusltant/instructor with Brain Gym International, a member of the board of directors of the Canadian Association of Wellness (CanBeWell). A Reiki Master, as well as an experienced practitioner of several other holistic modalities, she has over 30 yrs experience as a classroom teacher and workshop presenter. Fluently bilingual, she is available for classes and private consultations in both French and English. An incredibly generous soul and teacher, entirely devoted to her students of all ages, Irish continues to educate, elevate and demonstrate how we may take back our own power and take charge of our health and well-being.
Sher Smith, RN, R.C.S.T., B.C.P.P., RPE, is a Registered Nurse, Cranial Sacral Therapist, Board Certified Polarity Practitioner, Registered Polarity Therapy Educator and a Brain Gym Faculty Instructor who has been involved in the Holistic health field since 1979. Her professional training is varied and comprehensive, including studies in Cranial Sacral Therapy with Franklyn Sills and the Upledger Institute; along with certification in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Brain Gym® and Touch for Health. Sher was the founding President of the Ontario Polarity Therapy Association, is a member of the American Polarity Therapy Association (having served as Past-Vice-President of the Board of Directors), and is the Director of the Realizing Your Potential Center of Holistic and Energetic Studies. She is a Canadian International Faculty member for Brain Gym® with the Breakthroughs Foundation in Santa Barbara, California. Sher is available for private consultations and sessions by Zoom and to teach globally, doing so online.
Email: info@realiaizingyourpotential.ca
Carol Ann Erickson is recognized for outstanding achievement by the Educational Kinesiology Foundation of North America and consults privately with children, teens, adults, families, athletic teams, and various other groups.
She has over forty years’ experience as a private instructor and public-school teacher at the elementary, secondary, and post-secondary levels. Along with teaching comes a strong background of thirty-five years’ coaching experience at all levels, from recreational to Olympic athletes. She is the author of the “Movement Exploration” series of courses. She is a constant source of wisdom and inspiration. Her unwavering passion and devotion to fostering high quality educational experiences for her students all over the world so that they may take charge of their own learning and growth – has inspired many and helped shape the lives of countless children all around the world.
As she has been since the beginning of her career as a teacher and athletic coach, she is still passionate about the education process specifically in terms of fostering self-esteem and allowing the individual to express their gifts and creativity. Her Movement Exploration Courses and workshops have evolved over the years to include support for creative facilitators and the creation of super teams (Child – Parent – teacher – therapist). She brought Brain Gym® and Movement exploration to the remote corners of Peru, Ecuador and Chile, sharing her wisdom generously and empowering parents and teachers alike to decrease violence in schools and reduce drop out rates.