Experience whole-brain integration through whole-body movement. Learn the 26 Brain Gym® activities, Edu-K’s Five Steps to Easy Learning, and Dennison Laterality Repatterning as you discover an exciting tool for reaching personal goals. What this course teaches can be applied by students, teachers, parents, artists, athletes, healthcare workers, seniors, business professionals . . . you name it! This is the foundational course of Brain Gym®, and is a pre-requisite for most of the other Brain Gym® courses. Brain Gym®104: The 26 Movements is recommended as a pre-requisite to Brain Gym®101, but not required.
This course counts for 24 required credits towards Brain Gym® Consultant/Instructor licensure, and is also required for Brain Gym Movement Facilitator certification.
$450 regular rate, includes course manual
$425 discounted rate for Brain Gym Canada members
$225 for repeat participants, does not include course manual