BG 101 Evenings

Experience whole-brain integration through whole-body movement during this fun-filled and experiential 24-hour training, taught by Tanya Mouland! *** Please note: this 24-hour course is over 8 weeks – Tuesday, February 8, 15, 22, March 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, from 6 pm - 9 pm (Toronto time) ***

Brain Gym® 101 is a comprehensive introduction to the Brain Gym® program that is used with people of all ages and ability levels.

Experience whole-brain integration through whole-body movement during this fun-filled and experiential 24-hour training, taught by Tanya Mouland!

*** Please note: this 24-hour course is over 8 weeks – Tuesday, February 8, 15, 22, March 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, from 6 pm – 9 pm (Toronto time) ***

Brain Gym® 101 is a movement-based, learning-readiness course and is the foundational course of the Educational Kinesthetics program.

Brain Gym 101 offers each participant the opportunity to learn and practice this dynamic system of easy-to-use and simple to-do movements to integrate the functioning of the brain. BG 101 activities are designed to reduce the impact of stress on the brain-body connections. Specific activities stimulate various areas of the brain to improve the ability to focus, maintain attention, enhance motor movement, heighten academic skills, increase confidence and self-awareness, and rediscover the natural joy of learning and doing.

Created by Dr. Paul Dennison, Brain Gym 101 draws on techniques from many fields such as applied kinesiology, chiropractic, left/right brain research, developmental optometry, and psychology.

Ideal for teachers and special education teachers, ECE’s, therapists, daycare staff, parents, coaches and dance teachers, pediatric massage therapists, caregivers.

Course content of this educational and experiential course:

 The 26 Brain Gym® activities and Dennison Laterality Repatterning to engage the brain-body connections, and integrate auditory, visual and kinesthetic senses

 The 3 midlines and how they relate to focus, organization, and communication

 How to set action goals and discover the ease and joy of balance for improved reading, writing, listening, memory and other daily life skills using the Edu-K’s Five Step Balance Process

 The Five Step Balance Process and how to facilitate Brain Gym® balances for yourself and others

 The history and development of Brain Gym® and the importance today of movement-based learning for ourselves and our children

 The Dynamic Brain – from a stressed-out state to an integrated state and accessing both hemispheres

 Tips on how to include the Brain Gym® activities into daily life at home, in the classroom and, yes, even at work.

Brain Gym® 101 is a Certificate course with Breakthroughs International. This is the first course towards Brain Gym® licensure.

Course Logistics:

Course location: online

Teaching methods include: discussions, demonstrations, powerpoint, and practice sessions

Course dates: Tuesday, 6 pm – 9 pm ET (Toronto), February 8, 15, 22, March 1, 8, 15, 22, 29

Investment: Regular Price — $525.00
(Review Price — $265.00 ** Please contact Tanya directly.)

Course fee includes the official manual and additional study materials.

Instructor: Tanya Mouland

Registration deadline is February 3, 2022 so manuals can be mailed to participants.

No previous experience required.

Zoom link is sent once registration is confirmed.